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Politics during Elections

Social politics

The political party and minister whether they  are in opposites party  or in the ruling party  plays political game with the public for their benefits and making fool to the public that they are doing nothing and proving himself as a innocent person in front of public who will be vote for them in election it's a very e bad or can say Worst game  ever because in this the innocent people has been destroy for their life has been destroyed and also they have no mistake only their mistake is they have to vote the election candidates I am not talking about single one of ministers I am talking about whole community of ministers or election candidate. Their time period or election campaign time period both are like elephant eating teeth are different and seeming teeth are different. Because at election campaign time both candidate w whether it is from opposite party aur ruling party both are trying to win the heart of public that will be going vote for them in the future going held election just that campaign started 6 month or a year ago and other for four year time period they just relax and using the government money bi corruption as cold as Black money which has been earned by scam like a project has been given to the ministers and the winning candidate of the election then they use their  money aur saving in their account only a few part of it used in the the project that has been given and making any money excuses if the project has been not completed like the money that is for welfare of public  and the country has been gone in the account of ministers they uses the money  government has been given in there personal use.

Politics with Public

In this political parties and there candidate thinks that public is very innocent or fool they knows nothing what we are doing . So they started to make fool to the public or use public for their publicity or campaign. Which can help them in to winning the election. They use their money power to seduces public and take benefit by using them. They are too much Worst as Worst use religion fight aur general fight between caste related or public issue like nowadays going on farmers protest. So other parties are in search of taking benefit through farmers  protest in their winning of election. Even they uses accident matters and other  accident matters that has been happened through the the government vehicle for ruling government related matters, they use them as to get sympathy and prove them himself as very innocent why there face in front of public to make them fool even they don't care about how much public has been suffered from this type of accident they don't care about it but they used this matter for their opposes against ruling party.

Purchasing votes by money

It is become a trend to earn the vote by money because public is also not fool they know very well that the winning candidate will do nothing in the future so we can earn money to them now so they give their vote to the highest money e paid by the candidate to them. Some of them sell their vote for  alcohol and many others essentials thing that everyone needs in their life. This type of selling of votes shows that how much corruption is going on today is life. As ruling party do they do nothing in first 4 years but the last for 1 year or 6 month they work very hard for the public. And many welfare work for the public to impress them by their service even they didn't do anything last four years but after doing 6 month service aur a year service this seduces the public to giving them vote . Even public is also forget that he didn't do anything last four year but the last one year they everything so after getting impress he again give vote to the ruling party sms they do before and opposition party e is only made for bring out mistakes of the ruling party they even stops the ruling party to do welfare work for the public. Even the opposition party do every try to defeat the ruling party
And after getting no mistake in the ruling party they started to create mistakes by giving money to the few public who supports them like to to bring about fights between religion and communities and even they try to do big big accident in their country forgot all the thing but they are doing to defeat them even due to it many people has been killed or died bi coming into this type of matter.

Agenda of ruling party

One year work ,four year rest

Yeah this is become agenda by the ruling party that one year work and four year rest because after winning the election they forgot that they have become the ministers and other post person has been selected for the public service not for the rest but now they become for win election for the rest not for the work or public service. At their election campaign or during their publicity of their party they count their work to the public data about to a very small numbers but this shows as that they have done the biggest work of the world to them. At the time of election both parties opposition party or ruling party starting to fight each other and started to count mistakes of each other that they have done  . Only their mean to win the election all taking rest for the four years no want to do public service or public welfare work. Political power is the power as much as it can control judiciary, legislative and executive. All three makes the government that means power.

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