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School boy with melodies voice.             

Melodious voice

Sahdev dirdo  is a boy who is becoming famous so much on social Media handles that's the power of social media that we can show our talent whether we are anywhere in this world it doesn't matter. From a government school in Chattisgarh the boy has been coming in front side of all indian and get popularity and fame . Firstly his voice is so melodious so just teacher just make the video and just share it on social media after it many people like the voice clip of the boy and start to share it and making reels and videos on dubbing of the voice of the boy, so he starts to be famous and viral and start to getting popularity . His voice become the fans of many people now his journey started from here to be more famous and fame ,money and love . The lyrics that's boy is singing is written by the Bhojpuri singer but he didn't get fam but the chattisgarh boy Sahdev dirdo get fam from his voice over on his lyrics

Cm of chattisgarh meet sahdev dirdo

Now, CM of chattisgarh Mr Bhupesh bhagel impress so much with boy that he decided to meet with the boy who is becoming famous so much on social Media or to get sympathy with boy to showing that he is supporting the talent of every one in his state .during the meeting he has been praised with  flowers and with the beautiful garland after it they do road show with the boy and after it he sings the song "bachpan ka pyar" song in front of cm and all the people around him and the boy is frightened too much because he doesn't know what is happening with him after it CM says to support the talent of boy and his voice . And click the photos with the boy and viral it on social media due to it after viral picture of boy with CM .all public started becoming fans more of the boy and now he starts to become famous more and his effects is that everyone wants to meet him to get pictures with him , he is a celebrity now ....

Song with Badshah

We all are familiar with the singer badshah who makes song and their are many popular songs of him .so to get fame or popularity attachment he decided to make the song with the viral boy "Sahdev dirdo" due to him he get more views and traffic on her channel and video ,here one is main all people were only thinking about his fame and money ,no one thinking about the child .what he want ,that's good for the child also that he is becoming more popular with making song with the big singer badshah "bachpan ka pyar " singer just mix the song lyrics and his voice and make a video song in which a girl is playing supporting role with Sahdev dirdo and boy never think about this that ever he can got fame too much like that he is getting now . Now it's promotion time so the boy make the videos or reels with the big big celebrity and same here he promotes his song . After it boy becomes the trending new in the country.

Sahdev as Indian Idol judge

After doing song and taking step by step forward Sahdev is famous more and more day after day .after it Indian Idol show called him and make the judge of the show. Indian Idol where all singers comes from the different different parts of the country to show their performance and voice talent. So to judge all the participants that are participating in the program . After judge at end of the episode they called up Sahdev to sing the same song in front of all participants and public on TV . So he sings the song "bachapan ka pyar" and make all happy and smile on the show ,here also the main motive of the show to get popularity and sympathy through him that they called up Sahdev and make him judge due to it public see more and their trp will increase due to him  .here all the celebrity use him as to get attraction of public towards them .after it show is over no one know whether he will be paid to come on the shows or not .because he is from poor family.

Sahdev as chief guest

He is becoming so famous as the car companies Start to do innovation from him ,by paying him only 10000 rupees ,but humour is that company is gifts the car to Sahdev which is totally fake news because company doesn't do that .but for fame or popularity company only called him to innovation of the company . Due to that people will purchase car from them because Sahdev do innovation there,here is also same greed of all the company is to get fame , sympathy and popularity due to the boy Sahdev dirdo .but all the person of there spread the message that company gift the car to him which is not true . The boy Sahdev don't want anything but he is just doing what people are saying to him to do he doesn't know how he is becoming a tissue which these people use him starting after is throw it in dustbin after it no one know who is he ? He doesn't know how people use him to make money from him .what all that is use and throw.

Use of Sahdev

After all that happens people think him as a brand any who want to promote their products just using him .all this happens what he got fame , popularity,money and song , here he got all the things but people use him as to promote their products only ,but conclusion through it that social media has so much power that he can make a person too much famous and viral within one day so all the people have talent who are discouraged to show their talent on front of all public in real ,then they can use social media platforms to show their talent because all people from the world will see your talent . And you will also become famous a day . 

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Social issues On social media 

Zomato boy story

There is a case has came in front of public that a lady who is a mature enough of 20+ has been fight with the zomato boy for free food on lately reached about 10-15min due to the traffic of the road so to give him punishment the lady say her to give her food freely without paying. Zomato boy is no so rich that he can give food freely because if she takes food freely then that money of food have to pay by the zomato boy from his salary and his salary is too less that if he will pay the money then he has to sacrifice food of many days ,so he deny to give her food ,he say to pay first but she said she will eat the food freely not by paying ,then Zomato boy request mam , please this is from my salary please don't do that but lady has been decided to take food without both were starting pulling from each other . But she got some small injury like as nothing serious .but she starts to defame him on social handle after it she complain in police station that he has injured me and trying to misbehaving with me ,and due to feminine police take action against him but Zomato boy tells the truth of lady of lady to take free food from him and she makes injury marks on body due to that she gain sympathy and Feminist support to her . But all understand that she is telling a lie and arrested by the police, Zomato boy has been removed from his job , but after all this happens she requested to his job on social media and get self respect back ., So now time has changed this is not the time that all will support women not men ,now a days who will be right public will support and get the true judgement by authority.

A Girl and taxi driver

Social issues

It has been new case has come that in publically a girl has slapped a taxi driver in front of public, and only mistake of driver is that he has just stopped the car near by her but not hitting her , but public and police is too shameless all the things knowing they didn't Stop the girl to slap him all are bitching the girl by saying that she is too shameless, and mad or making the video of 
Beating him by the girl , the girl is too mad and moody . She slapped the taxi driver too much and many slapped by jumping no one listening the taxi driver talks and she broken the phone of the driver and robbed his money from his pocket due to it that he gonne hitting the girl . After it this video viral too much on the social handle so this case has been reached to the police and she complain the taxi driver that he is trying to him and misbehaving it's mean vice versa according to the situation that happened and many of them people record everything on the phone and all people are clearly seen on the cctv photos and videos that car is too far to her but madam want to fame and sympathy to get it she case on taxi driver but situation goes oppose to the madam because it clearly seen on the cctv camera,so madam try to get feminist support and by making fake injury marks on her body and give publically interview on TV and telling lies on front of all public ,and saying I have gotten too much injuries from passing this road , but taxi driver has lost his self respect and his good thing is that he even doesn't touch the girl or respond on her slap keep calm and after solve all the matter he requested publically on interviews and social handle to get back his self respect .and after it police arrest the girl . Now after getting the true decision of authority all gets one thing to teach in this world all men and women are at same position no one is up or no one is down . So who will be right the authority will  the support him /her. Whether he/she will be men or women.

  Some of the things are just done for  ego and just some for popularity . In today's life most important thing is becoming to be more famous for that people are ready to do everything whether it abolish the self respect of the person or whether they have to give money to become for famous ,more  entertaining things should be like by the todays people they don't like the people or video of people who are normally just making their video without taking their own self respect because people become bored with the normal comedy or entertainment they want something new for that today generation don't think before doing anything they thought 

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