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Independence day


India Independence day 

15August, Sunday 2021 india is celebrating his 75th independence day after getting freedom from the British rule.

Independence day of india

15 August

Independence day of india, which we Indian celebrate as very happily by doing many things.In this our country prime minister does the flag hoisting by Pulling upwards and salute the national flag and sing national anthem on the red fort of india (lal Quila).and there are many differences in 26th January and 15th August that only some people knows about it .This day is the permanent holiday in india . We celebrate independence day after getting rid from the control of   British rule in 15 August 1947.

15th August activities

There are many activities host on every independence day in every place of india but main hosting happens in the Red fort Delhi ,where prime minister of india hoisting flag by pulling upwards. And In india many places ,this will happens where national flag of india hoisting by senior citizen or main person of the place like bank,schools,offices etc on many places .after hoisting many activities is done by the artist in red fort of dancing , showing weapons of india, culture of every state etc and all and after it country prime minister gives the speech to the nation.

Why we  celebrate of independence day

in. In this day, India get rid from the control of the British rule. British rule on india many years as the ruling country i.e only Indian was living in the country but the rule is done by the British .All activities should done under their rule .after the years of years fight finally india got their independence .other reason to celebrate the day is that we has got partition from Pakistan and divide into two countries india and pakistan . Same as pakistan celebrate their independence day on 14th August and india celebrates their independence on 15 August because of the time difference because this news of partition will we read on 12.00 at the night where in Pakistan time is 30min behind than india that's why.

 Difference b/w 26th January and 15th August

This one we all know that we celebrate the 26th january as republic day and 15 August as independence day.but other main differences are:-

1. On 26th January, President is unfluring the flag whether on 15august flag hoisting is done by prime minister

2.On 26th January,flag is unfluring means to open the tight flag and 15 August ,flag is hoist means by pulling upwards opening flag.

3.On 26th January, Indian Constitution has made and apply whether 15August we have get independence from British

Time taken by Indian constitution

Beyond this time difference india made their constitution in 2year 11month and 18days .our constitution has been ready till 26 November 1949 but apply from 26January 1950.
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Now-a-days we are getting so busy in our life that we are forgetting the identity of others, have you ever imagined yourself?? Are you the same as you were…………
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